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How do we make epic websites perform better? That’s the question that keeps the epicFlowers team up at night. We at epicFlowers are dedicated to you, our customers. We are constantly researching and testing innovative ways to make your eCommerce website better and more profitable. One way we do this is through the use of helpful tools such as Crazyegg.com. Crazyegg is a heatmap and click-tracking service that allows us to analyze online shopping behavior.

click tracking confetti map
Understanding consumer behavior is key to making a website convert better – and conversions + revenue are the goals! Knowing how your customers use your site can help you to better engage those customers, make the sale and keep them coming back.

How Do We Do This?

Crazyegg provides several tools we can use to improve your website.

The Heatmap epicflowers uses heatmap tools to track consumer behavior

The heatmap is a visual representation of the “hot spots” of a landing page. The brighter the area, the more popular it is, or the more clicks it has. The darker area represents fewer clicks. This tool is a good overview of a landing page. It helps us to gather more information about where to put important links, categories, calls to action and so forth. Using this tool, we can compare different pages and designs or the same page at different times of the year to see how your customers behave. The heatmap tool provides great insight about your customer’s needs and expectations and helps us to teach you how to meet those expectations.

Traffic Sources (Confetti View)

The confetti view tracks exactly where your customers click, but each click is color coded to represent more information about the visitor. By default you can track the referrer or where the visitor came from whether it be Google, another website or blog, or if they typed your website’s URL directly into the browser. Tracking the referrer helps us to see not only where your customers are coming from, but where they click. This way, we can turn the more profitable traffic sources into more money, by making changes that appeal to those customers. If traffic from your blog creates twice as many clicks as traffic from Yelp and most of the traffic from your blog clicks a specific category or page, that category or page may need to be optimized for more conversions. It’s one thing to know where your traffic is coming from, but it’s another to Know where your most valuable traffic is going.

track referral clicksNot only can you view clicks by referrer, but by Search Term Used. Knowing the popular search terms can help you to better optimize your SEO keyword strategy. You can even view clicks by the day of the week. There’s no end to the amount of information you can gain by tracking clicks on your website, but gaining the most useful information to better your sales and conversions is our goal.

Track Specific Links

Crazyegg is a great tool, because it allows us to track specific links. On any given page, there is often more than 1 link that go to the same page, such as a popular category yet we can trick which link gets more clicks. This helps us to know where to place important links on a given page to direct more traffic down the sales funnel.

Speaking of the sales funnel, the Scrollmap view is similar to the heatmap in that the lighter area represents the more popular section of the page. The scrollmap represents the amount of time your customers spend on any given section of a page. The more time they spend on a page, the brighter the area. This tells us where to place elements that we’d like to emphasize, such as a call to action. Your site could have the best call to actions, but it wouldn’t matter if your call to action is in a spot that isn’t seen by your customers. Knowing just how much your customers pay attention to each page helps us to place important objects in the right spots for more click-through rates and higher sales – sending more of your customers down the funnel.

Our team at epicFlowers uses tools like these and many more to stay up-to-date on the latest conversions trends and consumer behavior. Our mission is to adapt to the ever-changing world of eCommerce design and marketing and make sure that our customers have a competitive advantage in the tough eCommerce environment. We don’t just build websites, we help you succeed.