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You put a lot of time and effort into making your eCommerce website an accurate reflection of your brand, but how is it performing?

Are your visitors converting into sales? What does your site’s user experience feel like? With some simple Conversion Rate Optimization strategies, you can boost your sales and morph your website from “just-okay” into a money-making machine.

If your eCommerce website can answer YES to the list items below, then your site is positioned and prepped for CRO success:


1. A Beautiful Website That Loads Fast
The number one trust factor to a viewer is how your site looks. Does it look old, outdated or confusing? Does it load quickly? Every second longer it takes to load increases the percentage of visitors who will leave.

2. Easy and Quick To Use Navigation
Your website needs to be intuitive and crazy simple for a viewer to get through the checkout. The checkout should be a one page checkout, which also offers a guest checkout option sprinkled with trust signals.

3. Beautiful Product Images
Your products have to look beautiful to you AND your viewers. If they’re not awesome to the viewer, it won’t help conversion.

4. Mobile Friendly
In 2016, mobile eCommerce sales made up 29% of total online retail sales. By 2018, we expect all epicShops sites’ mobile sales to increase to 40%.

5. Make it Clear What You’re Offering
You need GREAT calls to action: an easy to understand message, and value proposition.

6. Create Urgency
How can you entice your visitors to take action now? What incentives, offers, tone, and presentation will move them to take action immediately? Try pop-up coupons good for orders before they leave your site, or a count-down timer showing that if they order within three hours, they can have their order shipped today.

7. Merchandising Your Categories Correctly
Know your top-selling categories, and then make sure they’re clearly VISIBLE and up top. 

8. Customer Testimonials (reviews)
As you might already know, social proof is a powerful conversion tool in brick and mortar shops (word of mouth). Your site should make it incredibly easy to capture customer reviews to benefit from the same effect. These reviews need to easily show up on your website as product or business testimonials.

9. Create Confidence
Make sure your customers feel instantly secure once on your site. You must have trust signals! It is imperative to show familiar icons such as: security locks, 100% Guaranteed, PayPal logo, Visa logo, etc…

10. Wipe Out Any Anxiety
Make sure elements on your page (or missing from your page) do NOT create uncertainty in your customer’s mind. This is highly related to #9 and trust signals, yet also applies to poor design (#1) or broken pages (#2). For your customers to feel at ease, your site requires a combination of conversion best practices.


Remember, implementing CRO tools isn’t a one-time-only task.

To truly improve the rate of conversions on your eCommerce site, you’ll want to test, adjust and retry several of these ideas to optimize the buying experience and encourage more sales. Take user feedback and analytics to improve your site’s performance, and make it easy for your clients to spend money on an eCommerce store supported by psychology, analytics and testing. Go forth, have fun, and find which CRO tools make the most sense for you and your customers.  

Want to learn more about Conversion Rate Optimization for your site?

At Epic, it’s our #1 priority to make sure your site makes you more money, so CRO is in every one of our equations.